Point light

Point light properties

Name Description Inherited Exported to Kanzi Engine
Light Type A reference to a light property type that defines the type of the light. No No
Tags List of tags attached to the item No No
Imported from The source, the project reference or the 3D asset source file from where the item was imported into this project No No
Import Source ID No No
Original Name The name of the item in the import source No No
Effective Data Context The data context in the current node that is resolved from data context properties and bindings No No
Name Name of the project item No No
Created The time when the project item was created No No
Light Enabled Whether the light is switched on or off. Only lights that are switched on affect rendering. No Yes
Point Light Color The color of the point light No Yes
Point Light Radius Sphere light radius. No Yes
Light Color Scale Scales light color. No Yes
Position A hidden property whose value is read from the light's transformation. No Yes
Point Light Attenuation Defines the effect of a point light on objects that are farther away. Consists of constant, linear, and quadratic coefficients. No Yes

Point light available properties

Name Description Inherited Exported to Kanzi Engine
Disable KZB Export Disables the exporting of the item into KZB. Can be used for, e.g. letting items out from certain profiles. The disabled items are always included in preview. No No
Bindings The list of expression property bindings the item is part of No No
Brush Color Color for brush. Set alpha to 0 to disable brush. No Yes
Brush Texture Texture for brush. No Yes
Layout Transformation The location, orientation and scale of the node relative to its parent node.
Layout Transformation affects the layout. If you do not want to affect the layout, use Render Transformation.
No Yes
Layout Depth The size of the node in depth direction when used in a layout. Overrides the default bounds of the item. No Yes
Hit Testable Container When enabled, the layout bounds are used as the hit testing geometry No Yes
Layout Height The height of the node when used in a layout. Overrides the default bounds of the item. No Yes
Layout Width The width of the node when used in a layout. Overrides the default bounds of the item. No Yes
Cutoff The angle of the light cone in degrees. No Yes
Directional Light Color The color of the directional light No Yes
Exponent Defines how fast a fully lit area at the center of the light cone turns into an unlit area. No Yes
Inner Angle The inner angle of the light cone in degrees. No Yes
Light Type Name The property type name of the light. No Yes
Spot Light Attenuation Defines the effect of a spot light on objects that are farther away. Consists of constant, linear, and quadratic coefficients. No Yes
Spot Light Color The color of the spot light No Yes
Global Ambient Color The color that is multiplied automatically with the "Ambient" property of the materials in the scene. No Yes
Glyph Texture The automatic texture of the glyph cache No Yes
Font Color Sets the color of the text. No Yes
Texture1 Sets the second texture you want the Blit Render Pass to blit. No Yes
Texture2 Sets the third texture you want the Blit Render Pass to blit. No Yes
Texture3 Sets the fourth texture you want the Blit Render Pass to blit. No Yes
Texture0 Sets the first texture you want the Blit Render Pass to blit. No Yes
Blend Intensity Controls the intensity how materials are blended on top of the existing color.
Attached property enables overriding of the blend intensity of the used materials at render pass or object node level
No Yes
Ambient Color The color of the material when no light are present No Yes
Diffuse Color The color of the material when it is lit by a light No Yes
Emissive Color The color of the light that is emitted from the material surface No Yes
Mask Texture Texture for masking other texture or color No Yes
Mask Texture Offset Sets an offset for mask in materials No Yes
Mask Texture Tiling Determines how many times mask is presented in material No Yes
Specular Color The color of the specular reflection No Yes
Specular Exponent Determines the size of the specular highlight No Yes
Texture The texture of the material No Yes
Texture Offset Sets an offset for texture in materials No Yes
Texture Tiling Determines how many times texture is presented in material No Yes
Blend Mode Controls how blending is performed. Attached property enables overriding of the blend mode of the used materials at render pass or object node level.
Use "Alpha: Automatic" setting to use premultiplied or non-premultiplied alpha depending on the value of "Use Premultiplied Alpha by Default" project setting.
No Yes
Data Context Source of data for this node and its descendants No Yes
Actual Layout Height The calculated height of the node when used in a layout. No Yes
Actual Layout Width The calculated width of the node when used in a layout. No Yes
Horizontal Margin Sets the horizontal space between this node and other nodes that are adjacent to this node in a layout.
To set the Horizontal Margin property fields in a binding use:
- Vector_X to access the Left property field
- Vector_Y to access the Right property field
No Yes
Vertical Margin Sets the vertical space between this node and other nodes that are adjacent to this node in a layout.
To set the Vertical Margin property fields in a binding use:
- Vector_X to access the Bottom property field
- Vector_Y to access the Top property field
No Yes
Bottom Image The image to use in middle of the bottom row. No Yes
Bottom-Left Image Image to use in the bottom-left corner. No Yes
Bottom-Right Image The image to use in the bottom-right corner. No Yes
Center Image The image to use in the center. No Yes
Left Image The image to use in the center-left. No Yes
Right Image The image to use in the center-right. No Yes
Top Image The image to use in the middle of the top row. No Yes
Top-Left Image The image to use in the top-left corner. No Yes
Top-Right Image The image to use in the top-right corner. No Yes
Focused Indicates whether the node has actives focus. No Yes
Logical Focus Indicates whether the node has logical focus. No Yes
Node.Path Node full path. No Yes
Is Value Changing Whether or the value is currently changing. No Yes
Maximum Value The maximum value that the range allows. No Yes
Minimum Value The minimum value that the range allows. No Yes
Normalized Value The current value normalized to range [0, 1]. No Yes
Step Value The minimum amount that the value of the range can change at a time. No Yes
Value The current value. No Yes
State Manager State Manager applied to the current node No Yes
Style Style applied to the current node No Yes
Maximum Distance From Curve The distance from the curve where hit testing succeeds. No Yes
Horizontal Padding Sets the padding spaces between the content and the left and right boundaries of the text block. No Yes
Vertical Padding Sets the padding spaces between the content and the top and bottom boundaries of the text block. No Yes
Baseline Font baseline in 3D space units. No Yes
Two Pass Rendering Defines whether the Text Block 3D is rendered in two passes.
Disabling the two pass rendering improves performance, but can cause invalid rendering results when glyph bounds overlap.
No Yes
Font The font used to render the text. No Yes
Character Spacing Sets the character spacing in device-independent pixels. No Yes
Constrain Content Height Whether to cut out the last lines that do not fit within the boundaries of the text block. No Yes
Fixed Character Width When set, overrides the font advance widths to make each character take a fixed amount of space specified in device-independent pixels. No Yes
Font Material Sets the material whose shader is used to render the text. The shader must use the ContentTexture uniform which is automatically filled with glyph data. No Yes
Font Size Sets the size of the font in device-independent pixels. No Yes
Line Spacing Sets the line spacing in multiples of the normal line height of the selected font. No Yes
Overflow Sets the characters that represent the clipped text when the text string to be rendered is too long to fit in the node. No Yes
Remove Side Bearings Whether to position the leftmost characters of left-aligned text and rightmost characters of right-aligned text exactly within the boundary of the text block. No Yes
Text Sets the text content that the text block renders.
To create a line break press Shift+Enter.
No Yes
Text Horizontal Alignment Sets the horizontal alignment of the text. No Yes
Text Vertical Alignment Sets the vertical alignment of the text. No Yes
Word Wrap Whether to break long text lines to multiple lines to make the text fit within the boundaries of the text block. No Yes
Opacity Opacity of the node. No Yes
Brush Modulate Color Modulation color for brush. Effects brush rendering that needs color modulation. No Yes
Brush Horizontal Tiling Horizontal Tiling for the brush. Affects the scale of texture coordinates. No Yes
Brush Vertical Tiling Vertical Tiling for the brush. Affects the scale of texture coordinates. No Yes
Export in Asset Package When enabled, this item is exported into asset package if this project is saved as one. No No
Horizontal Alignment The alignment in horizontal direction the node should use when it resides under a layout. No Yes
Vertical Alignment The alignment in vertical direction the node should use when it resides under a layout. No Yes
Selected Indicates if list box item container is selected. This property is set by list box on container of an item which was selected. No Yes
Constraint In World Coordinates Specifies if the object constraining is done in world coordinates (when false, done in local coordinates). No Yes
Constraint Orientation Makes an object node where the property is attached to obtain orientation from target object No Yes
Constraint Position Makes an object node where the property is attached to obtain position from target object No Yes
Face to Camera Sets the node to rotate around all axes to turn towards the preview camera.
FaceToCameraIsBillboarding and FaceToCameraCylindral affect how the node turns to the camera.
No Yes
Face to Camera Cylindrical Sets the node to always turn to face the camera according to the cylinder on the y axis. No Yes
Face to Camera is Billboarding Sets the node to rotate with the rotation of the preview camera. No Yes
Face To Camera Target Camera The target camera specified for the Face to Camera.
When NULL, the property uses the Scene default camera.
No Yes
Look At Makes a node to always face the node set in this property. No Yes
Actual Layout Depth The calculated size of the node in depth direction when used in a layout. No Yes
Depth Alignment The alignment in depth direction the node should use when it resides under a layout. No Yes
Depth Margin Sets the depth distance between this node and other nodes that are adjacent to this node in a layout.
To set the Depth Margin property fields in a binding use:
- Vector_X to access the Back property field
- Vector_Y to access the Front property field
No Yes
Minimum Area When using #LodTypeScreenArea in the parent level of detail, use this property in the child of the level of detail to set the minimum screen area covered by the child in proportion to the screen size in range [0, 1]. No Yes
Minimum Distance When using #LodTypeDistance in the parent level of detail, use this property in the child of the level of detail to set the minimum distance from the camera to the level of detail in range [0, Inf]. No Yes
Drawn as Bounding Box When enabled the object is drawn its solid bounding box. No Yes
Frustum Cull Margin The margin of the frustum cull radius of the node. For example, set the margin when a vertex shader modifies the geometry of the node.
To use this property, enable the Frustum Culling property in the Draw Objects Render Pass you use to render the node.
No Yes
Final Transformation The combined location, orientation and scale of the node and its ancestor nodes.
Automatically calculated by the system.
No Yes
Render Transformation The location, orientation, and scale of the node relative to its parent node.
Render transformation does not affect the layout of the node.
No Yes
2D to 3D Projection Scale Scale factor to project pixels to 3D size. If scale is 1, then the size of the pixel is 1 3D space unit No Yes
Calculated Offset Current relative offset of object in a grid list box, in proportional range [0, 1]. No Yes
Visible Amount in Parent Describes how much of an object is inside its parent. Can be used in shaders to implement fades. Calculated by the parent node. No Yes
Calculated Offset Current offset of item caluclated by the trajectory layout in proportional range [0, 1] (read-only). No Yes
Index In Group Defines the index in the group that the button will have. The group must have the button in its tree.
The button searches for the group upwards. When the value is -1 the button picks the nearest group.
No Yes
Side The docking side of an item in the dock layout. No Yes
Down Navigation Node Set the path to the node to focus on downward direction navigation. No Yes
Focus Scope Set to true if the node is a focus scope. No Yes
Left Navigation Node Set the path to the node to focus on left direction navigation. No Yes
Next Focus Node Set the path to the node to focus on forward focus navigation. No Yes
Previous Focus Node Set the path to the node to focus on backward focus navigation. No Yes
Right Navigation Node Set the path to the node to focus on right direction navigation. No Yes
Up Navigation Node Set the path to the node to focus on upward direction navigation. No Yes
Column The column into which grid layout places the item. No Yes
Column Span Defines the number of columns an item in a grid layout occupies. No Yes
Row The row into which grid layout places the item. No Yes
Row Span Defines the number of rows an item in a grid layout occupies. No Yes
Click Enabled Whether to install a click manipulator that generates click messages. No Yes
Double-Click Enabled Whether to install a multi-click manipulator that generates double-click messages. No Yes
Stretch Scale the trajectory to match layout size. No Yes
Trajectory Override Offset Current offset of item manually set, which is otherwise calculated by the trajectory layout. No Yes
Auto Press Interval An interval in milliseconds after which a held down button sends a button click message.
Set to 0 to disable.
No Yes
Down On Hover When enabled, holding a finger on a device screen and moving it over the button, the property transitions the button to the down state. No Yes
Hold Interval Occurs when the button is in down state for the set amount of milliseconds.
Set to 0 to disable.
No Yes
Is Down Whether the button is in down state. No Yes
Toggle State The current toggle state of the toggle button. No Yes
Toggle State Count The number of toggle states of the toggle button. No Yes
Hit Testable When enabled, users can pick the object node from the active scene's default 3D camera. For example, hit testing is needed for button components to work. No Yes
Clip Children Specified whether or not the children should be clipped. Children whose bounding box is completely outside the bounding box of the parent are clipped.
The property is to be used with layout nodes. The children should only use transformation that contain only translation.
No Yes
Focusable Indicates whether the node can receive focus. No Yes
Visible When disabled the scene graph node is not rendered No Yes
Current Button Index The index of the currently toggled button. No Yes
Transition Phase The phase of the transition. For example, use for pixel-based effects. No Yes
Description Add a description of the purpose of this item. To export descriptions
to a plain text file, select File > Export > Export Descriptions.
When you export the kzb file, this description is not included in the
exported file.
No No

